Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What does healing mean?

The Reconnection® & Reconnective Healing® is a new modality of healing, that you are all destined to practice. We are destined to teach each other about the process and the philosophy. But perhaps we can first look at the idea of healing. What is it?
Healing means to make whole, to return to balance, to bring into unity. Healing implies that the person being healed can manifest its full destiny and unfold in its highest potential. How would you like to be one of those that lives its full destiny? I know I do.
I would like for you to consider for one minute that everything is connected. That includes everything that is in the universe, including the galaxy, the solar system and the planets. Your third-dimensional presence is connected to your fifth-dimensional presence. Just like planet Earth is on an evolutionary path that will bring her to a fifth-dimensional presence. You are connected to the Creator life-force spirit, Divine, Universe.
The etheric cords (luminous strands) are everywhere around your etheric energy field in this third-dimensional body. You cannot see the thin, luminous strands of light but you can feel it. That is, if you pay 'attention'.
And this is what the Reconnective Healing® teaches you. By paying attention, we all have the ability to carry these new frequencies of healing. It's not a gift for a few chosen people. It's a gift of this time; the intelligence and wisdom we need to guide us is already in place. Are you ready to receive?
You can call me directly at 1.888.364.3005 to book your first session.
How many sessions will you need? How long does it take to have a healing?
Healings occur in an instant. What takes 'time' is for the person to 'decide' to accept the healing. Generally it is recommended that you consider up to three sessions. And, although each session is special, often something particularly special tends to be reported about session number three. And remember, once you have your session(s), you 'OWN' your change, your healing, your evolution. It's yours.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Reconnection® & Reconnective Healing®

Have you heard about The Reconnection? I had, over ten years ago and did nothing about it. This time I decided to do something. I am officially a Practioner of The Reconnection® & Reconnective Healing® (Level III)

But what is The Reconnection will you ask?
The Reconnection is the umbrella process of reconnecting to the universe, which allows Reconnective Healing to take place. These healings and evolutionary frequencies are of a new bandwidth brought in via a spectrum of light and information, and it is through these new levels of light and information that we are able to reconnect. This is something new, it is different, it is REAL.
In "The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch" it is said:
"The keys of future luminaries tell us that molecular biology will work within medical astronomy towards adjusting geometric pressure fluctuations which underlie mechanisms controlling 'immune reactions' to 'new limbs', 'new organs', 'new tissues', with 'new' axiational lines stimulated by noise temperature calibrations."
It is also said: "These axiatonal lines are not limited to a physical body or a biological creation, but are open-ended and can connect the body vehicle with axiatonal lines that emanate from the various star populations and exists as chemical code mechanisms."
Even further: "When Man can discover the connection between his life space and the axiatonal grids controlling the body through endless cell division, Man will have a new super-science known as medical astronomy."

Take a look at the movie below.

"Science of the Reconnection: Exploring the next level of healing for humanity" by M. Darren Gregor, published in New Dawn Magazine (May-June 2009): A new science is emerging that is changing out traditional understanding of health and healing. The latest scientific research is focusing on experiments that seek to quantify the effects of a newly accessible comprehensive spectrum of energy, light and information on human beings." Leading the way in this research is an international team of world-renowned scientists including such research luminaries as Dr.William Tiller, PhD, Standford University, author of 8 books, 250 scientific papers and co-star of the film "What the Bleep!?"

Watch what he has to say about Reconnective Healing in the movie below.

You can also download his white paper that he talks about in the movie.